Roberto Milletti

Roberto Milletti

» ODAKA Yoga Contemporaneo School
[24A3] Self-generated Flow
LIQUID Yoga Adaptable, supple, powerful ….. : Surfing the infinite possibilities of a yoga pose.[25C4]

Roberto is a world-class yoga teacher based in Italy and founder of Odaka Yoga Contemporaneo (
Roberto has created a style of yoga that fuses martial arts, Zen and traditional Yoga Postures. This expresses adapatability, transformation and power, melting into each gesture, living the perseverance and determination of a warrior and the nurturing peace of acceptance.
Roberto leads his classes through this liquid yoga approach, each wave-like move to overcame barriers or limiting beliefs, where emotional flexibility opens students up to endless possibilities for both body and mind
He tells his class: “ We are not here to do yoga, we are here to become yoga”. For Roberto, yoga is a lifestyle, an Energy in motion a total idea both on –and-off the mat. Partecipation in his lessons means to tap into the idea of being yoga, vibrating to a different frequency, transforming ourselves, experiencing a crescendo of intensity and intuition of ones potential, without exerting unnecessary effort.

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