Masaaki Nakajima

Masaaki Nakajima

[23A4] Discussions on “Detachment” over tea
Tibet heart yoga series5 :guru yoga[24H3]
Masaaki had been working for International exchange as an interpreter / translator In his work he found contortions in the world and start International NPO activity themed environment protection. He visited more than 30 countries and told about the situation of environment and work at the global warming conference.
Meanwhile, he was seeking natural lifestyle and really began yoga.
He was interested in the depth of yoga as a guidance to live and deepen self- seeking, then found the potential of yoga, which creating fulfilling life and feeling to connect with nature and it connects to peace he is pursuing. He thought it was useful to solve problems of modern society and decided that he made social contribution by yoga.
He introduces various styles of yoga and finding the way to offer yoga which can feel comfortably affluence of being alive and connection of life.

Yoga Studies Institute staff yoga teacher
Yoga Studies Institute Tibet heart yoga teacher
Kripalu yoga teacher authorized by Kripalu center for yoga and health
Certified Shivanada yoga teacher
Green yoga instructor authorized by Loyola-Marymount-University, California
Leader of nature experience activity authorized by Council for Outdoor & Nature Experiences
Board of NPO LOHAS club authorized by Cabinet Office
Organic concierge, interpreter / translator

Translated by UTAE SAGAWA
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