» Concept Studio veda | yoga life with Mae YOSHIKAWA
Beginners Ashtanga yoga & meditation healing in sound[24E5]
Sun Salutation and pranayama workshop[25B1]
She was bone in 1980. She debuted as a model in a magazine ‘So-en’ published by Bunka publishing bureau when she was 14. She entered the International Christian University in 1998, and not only acted as a fashion model but also attend to advertisement, TV reporter and writing while in school. She knew Ashtanga yoga in 2001 and she was trained under K. Pattabhi Jois at Mysore, India. She became the first Japanese woman to be authorized as the Ashtanga yoga instructor by Guruji in 2006. She has been a covering model continually since she was selected as the front cover-model of ‘Yogini’. In ‘Yogini’, her essay, in which introduces her lifestyle that focuses on harmony with nature, is very popular among nature-oriented women. Her first book published in 2011, ‘Hadashi no mamade-natural yoga life’, is now on sale.

Translated byMatsubara Tomoko
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