2014/09/16第11回ヨガフェスタ横浜は大成功のもと幕を閉じる事ができました。 参加者の方、そ…
Yogafest Yokohama 2014. Since 2004. Most famous yoga event in Asia. 2014 11th. 2014.9.13 ~ 9.15
AUMNIE Create Balance
AUMNIE is a Canadian born, health and wellness inspired lifestyle label;
made for active and mindful living.
We are providers of innovative Yoga & Fitness fashion, mats, props and accessories.
Our designs focus on incorporating leading fabric tech with on-trend styles, cuts and eco-materials.
AUMNIE, driven by the philosophy of CREATE BALANCE, is not only about Yoga but is about life encompassing health and equilibrium.
Our goal is to be part of a peaceful and conscious future.
Designed in Canada, For the World, One Love.