[17B3] 安定性と快適さ:陰と陽を巧みに取りいれよう
一方、「陰」は、静けさ、月、下降、内向き、などを連想させる言葉です。陰と陽は、存在するために、お互いを必要とします。ヨガの実践に置き換えると、受動的な筋肉の働きと受容的なゆだねる感覚で、古代のヨギがスティラ(shtira: 安定)とスカ(sukha: 快適さ)と呼んだものです。
The word “Yang” may be interpreted as: dynamic, solar, ascending, and external.
The word “Yin” is associated with the qualities of: stillness, lunar, descending, and internal. Without each other, Yin and Yang cannot exist. In yoga practice, we translate these concepts into the skillful balance of muscular effort and passive surrender, what ancient Indian yogis referred to shtira (steadiness) and sukha (ease).
This workshop integrates the dynamic muscular work of Yang with passive, long-held Yin postures to simultaneously stimulate and soothe the body and nervous system, encouraging practitioners to skillfully navigate the constantly shifting balance of these two primal forces.
This workshop is mostly asana; minimum six months of regular yoga practice recommended.
No acute injuries or late-stage pregnancies, please.