LIQUID Yoga Adaptable, supple, powerful ….. : Surfing the infinite possibilities of a yoga pose

  • Lesson ID:[25E2]
  • Info:

    Yoga in a liquid form: It originates from Roberto’s love for the ocean in its many forms.
    Practicing by the ocean, has given him the inspiration to create a style of yoga expressing the principles of adaptability, transformation and power, where the movements – tuned to the rhythm and motion of the ocean’s waves – follow each other in a natural flow, with no interruption, constantly transforming and melting into one another
    Dancing the asanas where the body becomes an expression of the ocean’s motion in all its dynamics, will help you find the poses, even the most advanced ones, without any physical, mental or emotional tension.
    This means tuning in to a body part, discovering the emotions that are crystallized in it, hence creating the opportunity to let them go.
    As in the ocean there is union between the movement of the surface and the quietness of the depth, so in the sequences of YC physical movement expresses both the center of gravity, stable and fluid at once, and the emotional flexibility opening up to endless possibilities
    The interaction with the bodily fluids involved in every pose, involves a deep dialogue with our oldest fears creating for ourselves potenciality of overcoming them

    Quantity of motion in your lesson : part soft, part dynamic

  • Date/Time:09/25 11:00-12:30
  • 講師名:Roberto Milletti
  • Motion / Level: Middle / Beginner & Up
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