Nityananda Todo

Nityananda Todo

classroom lecture:Learning correct Mantra chanting & Meditation[24B5]
Spiritual Counselor, Teacher of Yoga and meditation, Chanter of Indian classic manifesto (veda) etc

1981′- He has given over 2000 people instruction about meditation, and also been teaching at on-the-job training courses.

1991′- He has been working as a psychological counselor

1995′: Studied Classic Indian manifesto (Samaveda) under Teacher Ramakrishnan (Chennai, India).

1996′: Founded Office TODO. He started teaching meditation based on the philosophy of Veda. And he also established the website “Shizen Club (Nature Club)” and started delivery of information about peace and environmental affairs.

1998′: Worked as a wedding commissioner

2000′:Studied Traditional bible (Rigveda) and Puja under Teacher Narayana Horsemoney (Varanasi, India)

2002′:Studied manifesto, puja, mantra, meditation, classical ways of ceremonial occasions as healing under Teacher Ramamurty(Chennai, India) He was in charge of meditation course at Aura soma IMA. (He gave Mr. Mike Booth meditation lessons.)

2003′:Started the career of Veda chanting concert activity. He directed “Silent Waves”,which is Samaveda CD by Teacher Ramamurty. And he also released “VEDALILA”, the first Samaveda CD performed by a Japanese performer.

2005′:Established Veda Center and started teaching meditation, yoga, Sanskrit chanting classes/performance, hosting ceremonies there and also continued his career as a counselor. And he also dedicated in direction of CD, concerts, and events.

2007′: He had a vocal training by Gundecha Brothers, who is famous for Indian classical singing.

2009′: Released the mantra CD “Vedic Mantra & Player -Anthology of Veda & Mantra Part 1”

※Discography directed by Nityananda:
 “SILENT WAVES”(Copyright Office TODO, 2003)
 “VEDA LILA”(Copyright Office TODO, 2003) 
 “Vedic Mantra & Player 〜Anthology of Veda & Mantra Part 1”(Copyright Office TODO, 2009)
 “Hitotsu no Uta〜Oneness〜”(Copyright Office TODO, 2003)

Translated by Yuanyuanyueliang
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