Dorian would have to wait two years before he figured out how to steady his mind. At the age of 8 he became a disciplined disciple of Yogananda. Dorian continued to immerse himself in meditation and eventually traveled to India to visit the home of Yogananda. “When I was sixteen and visited India for a month I fell in love with a culture that was so rich in wisdom and spirituality. Meeting holy men and great yogis inspired me to work on bringing this consciousness to the west.”
With the bulk of his practice rooted in deep meditation, Kriya Yoga, Dorian didn’t feel the need to explore a physical practice. It wasn’t until he was 28 that he discovered the Science of Hatha yoga. It didn’t take him long to form a marriage between the two and today he teaches both a Hatha practice as well as a Led meditation. If there is one mantra that Dorian lives by it is this, “You must master the body first and then the mind will come next.”
Dorian’s physical guru is Bryan Kest, the founder of Power Yoga and creator of the donation based yoga business model. Dorian studied under Kest at his Santa Monica studio for 5-years before taking his teacher training in 2005. “Bryan has taught me how to become less reactive in the world which teaches me equanimity.”
・200hr Power Yoga Training With Bryan Kest
・300hr Intermediate to Advanced Intensive Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Asana Adiappan College Of Yoga & Research Center Chennai, India