[25D2] Restorative Yoga

  • Lesson ID:[25D2]
  • Info:Restorative Yoga focusses on releasing deep tension and restoring energy and balance through a series of simple, supported Hatha yoga postures held for long periods of time. These poses stretch the connective tissues and soften the joints, stimulating powerful meridians in the body and offering a good compliment to the more dynamic styles of yoga. Drop into a deeply relaxing space by letting go of tension in these fully supported and restorative postures to help you regain the equilibrium of your body/spirit and allow deep surrender and incredible opening. Relax and Renew! This special class is designed to relieve general tension and stretch the spine. Postures are held for long periods of time, fully supported by blankets, bolsters and props.
  • Date/Time:09/25 11:00-12:30
  • Instructor:Leza Lowitz
  • Level/Motion:All Levels
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